Moni The Photographer

Hello Dear Reader,

I am so happy you visited our blog, I hope you will feel welcome and you find what you are looking for.

Let me intoduce myself a bit

My name in Second Life same as in Real life is Monika. I am 29 years old mom of two little princesses. I live in Czech Republic, so pardon me that my english is not perfect.

History of Classy Addict blog

All happened on start of year 2016 when my best friend Violet, who is my blogger partner talked me into establishing Classy Addict blog.

I never had any previous experience with blogging or taking pictures or anything like that. I fell into water and was learning swimming in process of building this blog. I wanted to gave up manytimes, but then i saw i getting more and more views and i was happy i can showing my pictures to people, helping him find what they are looking for.

I started learning making pictures in secondlife, but it wasnt easy because i had just old poor laptop with very bad graphic card. Very often i was asking violet to make picture of my decorated scenes and then i edited it myself in Photoshop. This was that most tough times for blog. But as bad was my pictures of decores or styling so i tried hard to improve my Photoshop skills to make them nicer. I have to say untill i started with blogging i had no experience with photoediting softwares, so all was new for me. When i today look on my old pictures i have to laugh, and i am pretty proud on myself how long way i went through in improving and learning.

Then came time when I started to applied blogger applications for different creators, at some i was succesfull, at some not. Mostly it was smaller creators and i am very thankfull they chose me as member of their team and i was able to get new experience. In this time i didnt applied any famous name and events in Secondlife because i knew my graphic issues can be problem, so i just learning more and more about Photoshop and how to using it. But in my head was still big dream – I want to blogging events.

In April happened something what i still taking as miracle. I met one man who completelly changed my second life, blogging life and real life too.
Never before i met somebody so loving, caring, supportive and generous. I have to say he was my biggest sponsor ever. Never ever i will be able to thank him enough for all what he made for me. He gave me my own PC, with better graphic and all that. i suspecting him that he was just annoyed with my neverending complaints about my old laptop 🙂

So after this, with his support and understanding for my passion and hobby i jumped into something new .. SHADOWS 🙂 Oh god i was like in Wonderland. With better hardware i was able making better and better photos. I buried deeper into windlights, graphic and shadow settings and was trying more new things.

When my pictures began looked better, i applied for few feeds, because as every blogger know “That is totally necessary” 🙂 And after i got syndicated to some i started to applying to became blogger for other creators, designers and events. And i am so very happy i was successful in many cases. Also what was amazing more and more people started to follow me on flickr. I was very gratefull for every new follower who taking time to look on my pictures. This way i want thank to every single of my follower. Without these awesome people i wouldnt be where i am now.

Fighting with taking shoots

As i said i had to learn everything about taking pictures, i did read many and many tutorials, watched hours and hours of tutorials on youtube. Thank to all people who are so awesome and making them 🙂

Especially thank to StrawberrySingh for her blog, tutorials and windlight settings… Amazing help for begginers and advanceds too.

As i wrote about followers on flickr, so many of them and many of people who i follow are my inspiration. I still cant understand how some people can be so tallented 🙂 And with all these experiences i am trying still improving my pictures, always trying to make them new ways. I think i am still seeking my style in editing photos. And i know i will never be satisfied enough and never stop thinking how to make it better, because when you stop working on yourself it is way to hell.


And i think this can be enough for now. If you have any questions, whatever, please contact me anytime inworld. You can find me there as MonikaForman


Thank you very much for your reading!